Research in this group is dedicated for R&D of the highly sensitive large-format detector arrey essential for the measurements of CMB B-mode polarization and also for the CIRB observations as foreground components.
We chose superconducting pair breaking type detectors such as STJ and MKID as array components, and aim for achieving a large-scale high-sensitive detection of 1,000 pixels.
Specifically, we will:
- Develop superconducting detector arrays sensitive to 100GHz radiation to be onboard of the CMB satellite,
- Develop dual-frequency (600GHz and 0.7-1.5THz) superconducting detector arrays for CIRB observations, intended to be onboard of future satellites.
- Establish a technology for the simultaneous multi-channel signal readout by exploiting a frequency-domain readout system.
By bringing together the efforts of RIKEN, NAOJ and KEK, we will establish the strongest cryogenic detector technology center, and will achieve the World’s best array devices for exploration of the early Universe.