The call for proposal for JFY22 (from April 2010 to March 2011) is now
closed. The next call will open for JFY24.
We call for proposals on research projects that will perform complementary roles to our areas of study:
- A01 Study on the super-high energy physics via polarization measurements of cosmic microwave background radiation.
- A02 Development of the high sensitivity detector arrays for the exploration of the early Universe.
- A03 Exploration of Dark Ages by observations of the cosmic infrared background radiation.
- A04 Construction of the high-precision separation scheme for the foreground radiation component from the cosmic microwave background.
- A05 Quest for the ultimate theory based on direct observations of the evolution of the early Universe.
The proposed projects will be led by principal investigators only with no co-investigators. The recipients are awarded up to 4(2) million yen for about 2(6) experimental projects and up 1 million yen for about 10 theoretical projects each year per project for duration of two years.